SmartRange: Ranges done simply and smartly

SmartRange is a simple module designed to make working with ranges not suck. It provides a single class that represents a list of range objects.

SmartRange Class

class smart_range.SmartRange(range_str: str, *, min_val: Optional[int] = None, max_val: Optional[int] = None)

The class that represents a range of values. Input consists of a string containing the range.

A range string is a comma-separated list of range items. There are 5 types of range items supported by the class:

  1. Classic range with a defined start and finish. Example: 1-5


    Range items cannot have a negative difference between the start and finish values.

  2. Range with a defined start and an undefined finish. This requires the max_val parameter to be supplied to the __init__() method. This type of range can only show up once at the end of the range string. Example: 1-

  3. Range with an undefined start and a defined finish. If this item is the first range in the range string, it requires the min_val parameter to be supplied to the __init__() method. Otherwise, it will assume that the starting value is one more than the previous range item.

    • Example at the start of the range string with a defined min_val parameter: -5 -> <min_val>-5

    • Example where the range string is 1-5,-8 -> 1-5,6-8

  4. A plus symbol and a number. This will indicate a range where the end of the previous range plus one is the starting number, and the end of the range is the starting number plus the provided number minus one. If specified at the beginning of the range string, it requires the min_val parameter to be supplied to the __init__() method.

    • Example at the start of the range string with a defined min_val parameter: +5 -> <min_val> - <min_val+5>

    • Example where the range string is 1-5,+8 -> 1-5,6-13

  5. A singular dash, indicating a range with an undefined start and an undefined finish. This requires the min_val and the max_val parameter to be supplied to the __init__() method. Additionally, this item can only show up once at the end of a range string. Example: -

__contains__(item: int) bool

Returns True if the number is in the range, False otherwise.

__init__(range_str: str, *, min_val: Optional[int] = None, max_val: Optional[int] = None)

Create a new SmartRange object.

  • range_str (str) – The input range string.

  • min_val (Optional[int]) – The minimum value of the range. If not supplied, range items #2 and #4 cannot be supplied at the beginning of the range string.

  • max_val (Optional[int]) –

    The maximum value of the range. If not supplied, range item #3 cannot be supplied at the end of the range string.


    If a max_val is supplied, no item in the range string can have an end value greater than the supplied maximum value.

  • NoMinimumValueError – If a type 2 or 4 range item is used at the beginning of the range string and no min_val is supplied.

  • NoMaximumValueError – If a type 3 range item is used at the end of the range string and no max_val is supplied.

  • NegativeRangeError – If a range item has a negative difference between the start and finish values.

  • ExceedsMaximumValueError – If max_val is provided and a range item has an end value greater than max_val.

__iter__() Generator[int, None, None]

Returns a generator containing all the numbers in the smart range.


In order to iterate over the list of range objects, use the ranges attribute, such as:

for range_obj in smart_range.ranges:
    print(range_obj.start, range_obj.stop)
__len__() int

Returns the total number of values in all the range items combined.

__repr__() str

Returns a string representation of the range.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

classmethod from_range_list(range_list: List[range]) smart_range.smart_range.SmartRange

Create a new SmartRange object from a list of ranges.


range objects exclude the stop parameter, so range(1, 2) is not the same as the range string 1-2. The range object for 1-2 is range(1, 3).


When using this method, none of the checks for __init__() are performed. In order to process these checks, this workaround can be used:

smart_range = SmartRange.from_range_list([range(1, 11), range(11, 16])
validated_range = SmartRange(str(smart_range))

range_list (List[range]) – The list of ranges.

ranges: List[range]

The list of ranges. Can be externally modified to add, change, or remove ranges.


Adding a range out of order may result in unordered output from __iter__().


exception smart_range.exceptions.ExceedsMaximumValueError(start: int, end: int, max_value: int)

Raised when a value goes past the maximum.

end: int

The end of the range item.

max_value: int

The maximum value supplied to SmartRange.__init__().

start: int

The start of the range item.

property string: str

A string representation of the range item.

exception smart_range.exceptions.NegativeRangeError(start: int, end: int)

Raised when a range is specified that is negative.

end: int

The end of the range item.

start: int

The start of the range item.

property string: str

A string representation of the range item.

exception smart_range.exceptions.NoMaximumValueError(start: int)

Raised when a range is specified that assumes a maximum value but none if specified.

start: int

The start of the range item.

property string: str

A string representation of the range item.

exception smart_range.exceptions.NoMinimumValueError(end: int)

Raised when a range is specified that assumes a minimum value but none if specified.

end: int

The end of the range item.

property string: str

A string representation of the range item.

exception smart_range.exceptions.NoValueExpectedError

Raised when a value is expected but none is provided.

exception smart_range.exceptions.RangeError

Raised when a value is invalid.